Life is simply the choices we make.
Everyone knows this, at least I am assuming that
everyone is intelligent enough to know this fundamental truth. But, despite the
obviousness of this truth, so many people want to say that we cannot choose
certain things. Also, people say that choosing certain opinions is wrong. I am
referring to people of the liberal mindset. In our modern world, you are
considered the purest form of evil if you ever express any sort of conservative
thought. However, I am not afraid of the opinions others have of me and feel
that someone must add some small bit of rationality to this insane world. I
will use this post to bring some (not-so)common sense into the political fire.
Let me also warn you, I am not afraid to speak my mind; I do not care if I hurt
your feelings or offend you. But, I would also like to point out that my
opinion is not the opinion that matters; that belongs to the Lord Almighty.
Yes, I am a firm Christian and there is no way in hell you can convince me
otherwise. My faith is very strong and a large part of how I choose to live my
life. With that said, let us begin.
I started this post with the statement, life is
simply the choices we make. I will elaborate. There once was a time when you
were born with certain items that you could never rid yourself of: family, sex,
race, hair/eye color, etc. That was the facts of yesteryear, it is not the case
today. You are not born with anything other than your choices and the
consequences of those choices. Despite want Hollywood and the liberal media is
forcing down your throats, you choose every aspect of your life. You choose to
be successful or to fail, you choose to be poor or wealthy, you choose to be
heterosexual or homosexual, and you can even choose to be a man or a woman. So,
I say this to combat this plague that our society is experiencing. We blame the
fact that we were born this way, rather than accepting the responsibilities of
our actions and choices. This is an effort to hide from the consequences of
poor choices. When you hide from the consequences, you do not pay the attention
needed, to those affected most by your actions. This causes the world to fill
up with selfish, freeloaders. Too many people in our society are not working to
support themselves, they live off the hard work of others. This is another
fundamental flaw in the liberal mindset. Following the teachings of Karl Marx
into this socialistic mind set is very dangerous. Through the government
welfare system, Americans are learning to live off the work of others; The
minority is carrying the burden of carrying the economy. With so many people
living off of so few workers, the economy cannot help but struggle. We need to
force Americans off their asses and get them working for themselves and their
families. This will increase GDP, and help alleviate the unemployment catastrophe
we are about to face. Yes, you read me right, we haven't even begun to face a
true unemployment disaster. Yet, I must explain, we will not be putting many of
the workers that were hurt by the recession back to work, we will be unable to
find qualified workers to fill all the opening jobs being vacated by
baby-boomers. I know this fact is strange considering we have so many
unemployed workers waiting for a position. This is a reality because so many of
the workers affected by the 2008 recession were non-college graduates. The
American economy has been moving away from manual labor for decades, and now it
is more important than ever to realize that intellectual services will be the
norm. Both political parties are focusing on bringing back manufacturing (which
would destroy our economy) and not on educating the workforce and preparing it
for the future. Besides, no company will bring their manufacturing back to the
states unless we put unions back in their place. Unions have long outlived
their usefulness and should be restricted from causing so much harm to American
industries. I know, I sound evil, but it is true. The future of the American
economy will depend on companies not having to over pay their workers. Besides,
unions protected un-educated factory workers, not highly educated service
workers. With the increase in job openings I mentioned earlier and shortage of
qualified workers, educated workers will be able to set their own price in a
way. But, with such a need for educated workers on the horizon, we have to have
a way to educate them. Everyone is complaining about the cost of education in
the country, and I agree. However, the cost is more than worth it. Though,
there are still some people who need a lower cost education, this is provided in
the numerous community colleges through out the nation. As you can see, I have
not mentioned a government bailout for college student loan debt; it isn't
practical. College students must learn to care for the debt they earned,
remember, it's a choice. No, our higher education system is one of, if not the
best in the world. With that said, this nation's primary education system is
nothing short of a hilarious joke. Our students are not taught anything of real
value, they are simply brainwashed into the typical socialist ideals. Students
do not learn how to think, how to reason, or how to imagine; this is crippling
our nations future work force. But education isn't the only area our nation is
failing in. Our government has lost all understanding of basic economics. When
the economy goes into a recession, the government must decrease spending, and
cut taxes. By cutting taxes, the people have more money in their pockets to put
back into the economy. When the government increases spending, they have to
increase taxes, sucking more money out of the already fragile economy. Liberals
would answer this by saying the rich should pay higher taxes since they have
the money to give. This goes back to the free loading issue I brought up
before. But, it also shows a discrimination against people who succeed. It also
severely limits the growth potential of the economy since it is the wealthy
Americans that run and fund the major American businesses. It isn't fair to
punish these hard working people for succeeding, we should praise them and push
our young people to strive to achieve similar goals.
So, I have spoken my mind. Though this is just a small part of the
thoughts that fly through my head, I felt that someone must say it.
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