Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Best Super Hero

Since comic-book super heroes are dominating the box offices every summer, I felt I should determine which super hero would is the best. This is my top 10 super heroes; my criteria is not based on popularity alone, but also on abilities and aesthetics.

#10 Spiderman
I began with Spiderman because he has the sleek look to his outfit, however, he is more of an annoying character than a relatable one. He is somewhat strong, very agile, and fairly fast, but Spiderman simply doesn't intimidate his opponents.

#9 Flash
The Flash is an interesting hero. His only power is super speed, but this amount of speed is allows him to accomplish great feats. His modern look is very sleek and sexy. I simply couldn't justify rising him above some of the other heroes on my because he isn't one of the more famous heroes.

 #8 Captain America
Captain America is the true boy scout. His heart, determination, and resiliency are his true powers. Though he was created as the perfect soldier, he is now the true American hero. His suit lacks a little appeal for 21st century fans, but his shield is still bad ass.

#7 Wonder Woman
This choice is obvious; Wonder Woman would be higher if she had the super powers that the following heroes have. She is here simply on her appeal. She is the focus of many nerd's fantasies. Plus, the thought of an incredibly attractive woman being able to not only kick your ass, but the ass of almost any hero on this list.

#6 Batman
This is the hardest choice for me, but I had to make it. Batman is my favorite hero because he is not a hero (especially Nolan's Batman). However, he has no real super powers; his super powers are his wallet, will, and ingenuity. 

 #5 Iron Man
Another hero with a bottomless pit of a wallet and a genius to boot. However, he gets the slight edge over Batman because his chest piece and armor allows gives him the appearance of super powers. Plus, I would say Batman and Iron Man are equal in the bad ass looking suits.

#4 Thor
Thor would have made it higher if it wasn't for the fact that he can die and the next three heroes seemingly cannot. His out fit and stature is fairly intimidating; but the next three slightly beat him in that aspect as well.  

#3 Hulk
Some people could say that this is too low for the Hulk. Let me explain, first, the Hulk is not always a hero. He is pure rage which means he isn't always thinking of helping others, plus I believe that he could defeat the next two heroes on my list, though they may not be able to beat him either.

#2 Wolverine
Wolverine (as he is depicted in modern comics and the various movie franchises) has extreme healing abilities. This, in association with his indestructible claws, makes him nearly impossible to kill. But once again, he lives by rage, though not to the extent of the Hulk, and he is very self centered.

#1 Superman
I think it is only fitting that the first super hero is the best. Superman was given all the great super powers: flight, super strength, super speed, and x-ray vision. Though his uniform has been some what goofy over the years, over all the sight of him is fairly intimidating. I look forward to seeing Christopher Nolan's take on the "Man of Steel".

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