Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Best Starship Enterprise

Since I am a huge fan of Star Trek and the new movie has offered me another chance to talk about one of my favorite television series. In this post, I will discuss my list of the best Enterprise. My list will include the alternate timeline Enterprise that JJ Abrams has created. My criteria will include the quality of the ship, crew, and historical record. I want to include each of these because if I went off of ship quality alone then of course the Enterprise-E would be the best; therefore I account for crew and record. To quote CPT Picard, "Make it so."

NX-01 Enterprise
Star Trek Enterprise
Of all the Star Trek series, Star Trek Enterprise is my least favorite. I felt the show was just beating a dead, money horse. The ship is the least technologically advanced, her crew was limited by the limited reach of the Federation at the time. I just cannot see this Enterprise holding up in any competition against the other ships: speed, weapons, endurance, and scientific. It is also one of the least recognizable ships in the Star Trek universe.

NCC-1701-C: USS Enterprise
Star Trek: The Next Generation
In my opinion, the most unrecognizable ship to bare the name, this ship had a very short service time and no remarkable achievements. Though it is technically more advanced than the USS Enterprise, USS Enterprise-A, and USS Enterprise-B, it is unproven. 

NCC-1701-B: USS Enterprise
Star Trek Generations
Though is bears the name Enterprise-B, it is the third Enterprise in the original timeline. A very physically large vessel. The ship was technologically advanced for its day, but its reputation lacks when compared to the other ships on the list. 

NCC-1701-A: USS Enterprise
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home/ Star Trek V: The Final Frontier/ Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
I am counting this as the second USS Enterprise in the original timeline since it received a new name after its refit. The new ship, though sported the crew of the original Enterprise, didn't have the same storied life as her predecessor.

NCC-1701-E: USS Enterprise
Star Trek First Contact/ Star Trek Insurrection/ Star Trek Nemesis
By far the most technologically advanced ship in the original timeline. The Enterprise-E also has some solid bragging rights, having traveled to the past to protect the first human wrap flight, and being the first Federation vessel to visit Romulus. Her crew was also very impressive, but she didn't have the reputation of the remaining ships on my list. 

NCC-1701: USS Enterprise
Star Trek/ Star Trek Into Darkness
The newest addition to the Star Trek universe through the alternate timeline created by JJ Abrams in 2009 has brought a sense of reality to the franchise. Technologically equivalent to the original timeline ship of the same name, this ship didn't have the reputation to climb any higher on the list.

NCC-1701: USS Enterprise
Star Trek (The Original Series)
Possibly the most recognizable ship in the Star Trek universe, and with undoubtedly the most famous crew, the only thing holding it back from the number one slot is it's technological obsolescence compared to the number one ship. 

NCC-1701-D: USS Enterprise
Star Trek: The Next Generation/ Star Trek Generations
Though not the most famous ship and not the most famous crew, it is a close second in those categories. Technology is the ships strong point over the original Enterprise. Plus, I must point out that CPT Picard is by far the best captain in the Star Trek universe.

I believe this will be the last of my Star Trek posts for a while. I hope to begin a series of Superman posts after I see Man of Steel.


  1. Nice to see all the beautiful ships in one place :)

  2. You put a wrong pic for the Ent-B, which is an modified Excelsior class. Your picture shows a "regular" Excelsior class. You can see that at the bottom of the main hull near the deflector dish.

  3. to be honest I think that the enterprise e should be hire on the list for holding her on for most of the fight agents the scimitar with major damage but I'm not the one how decided where to put the ships so oh well
