Before you read this post, look at the title very carefully. I did not say, Real Men do not drink; I like to drink a little alcohol now and then. The title says Real Men do not get drunk. I am writing this because I am tired of hearing guys talk about all the stupid, dangerous, and completely awful things they do while drunk. Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines drunk as, "having the faculties impaired by alcohol." To put it simply, this means not having full control of the part of your brain that makes decisions. I have always said, a Real Man is always accountable for their actions. I have seen to many men try to use alcohol and being drunk as an excuse for bad behavior. Have you ever said or heard someone say this,
"I didn't mean to call you fat baby, I was just a little drunk. You know I didn't mean it."
"Come on honey, you know I wasn't really checking your friend out, me and the guys were just drinking."
"I swear honey, I didn't mean to call you that. It was just the alcohol talking."
"You know I didn't mean to say those things about your parents, right? I just had a little too much to drink."
"I never meant to sleep with her, I swear. She didn't mean anything to me, I just drank to much that night."
"Baby, I didn't mean to hit you, you know that. I was just angry and had been drinking."
When you hear these scenarios, do you think certain ones are worse than others? If you do, why? What makes the first any different than the last? The man lost control of himself and did something hurtful (not just to another person, but to the most important person in his life). A man must always have control of his thoughts and decisions; when a man looses control, he is still responsible for his decisions. This is why a Real Man never gets drunk. A Real Man never looses control of his decisions because he is always thinking of the consequences of his decisions. So, the next time you go out drinking with the boys, remember that being drunk does not excuse your bad decisions.