Well, if you haven't guessed or heard already, I am attempting to relaunch my blog. This time I intend on actually making something of it, not simply writing useless things. However, I cannot deny my inner geek (no I am not a nerd, cause nerds love to learn or love education, I love geek things). So, join me as we review an old post, and make a few revisions to it. My post about a possible reboot of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series was, in my opinion, one of my better posts. Well now, there officially is a reboot in the works and many of the characters have been revealed, though not much of the story has to this point. I think it will be interesting to see how my opinion stacks up to what is actually happening.
As you can see above, the new poster is decent, though not very different from the various posters used by the numerous shows.
Now, let us begin with the characters. and of course we will start with the heroes.

Without knowing the characters in the new film, I can only compare how the new characters look when compared to the old character.

So, let us begin with the Black Ranger, played by Ludi Lin. Known as Zack Taylor, the new Black Ranger keeps the name, but steers clear of the stereo typical casting the show was criticized for. All I can say is, I hope his jaw is stronger than it looks, cause he doesn't look like he can taker a punch. But overall, should at least look the part.

I am afraid I do not like the casting choice of Becky Gomez on the surface. Miss Gomez, who I am certain is a talented actress in her own right (I am unfamiliar with her work at this time), doesn't fit the name Trini Kwan. Now perhaps the character names will not be the same as the original show, but this would be very disappointing for us lifelong fans.
Billy Cranston, the famous nerd of the original group, will be played by RJ Cyler. I almost like this casting, at least without seeing any footage of the young actor. Billy was by far one of my favorites, and he was hands down, my mom's favorite; so please stay true to the character while expanding upon it.
Well, well, the girl next door is back. The Pink Ranger, Kimberly Hart, was a role seemingly destined to be played by the adorable Amy Jo Johnson. However, Miss Naomi Scott will undertake this near iconic role. IS she ready for the undoubted pressure that will accompany it? I must admit, from her picture in the group photo above, I don't think they are sticking with the girl next door character we all knew.
The leader of the Rangers is of course the Red Ranger. Austin St John played the character known as Jason Lee Scott very well. Dacre Montgomery will be called upon to reinvent the character. Perhaps he can add a depth to the character, the limits of the show didn't allow.

The casting of Elizabeth Banks seemed good to me on the surface. No, she wasn't my choice but I thought, maybe it works. However, the recent images of her Rita Repulsa is anything but good. She looks nothing like the evil witch that plagued the Rangers I remember. Below are pictures of her character found on the web. I found the promotional image of her off IMDb.com. there has been no word on who, if anyone, will play Zordon. The mystical being who formed the Rangers. Unfortunately, I fear they will not do the character justice.

Please let me know your thoughts on the upcoming movie. The current release date is March 24, 2017.
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