This is very difficult because I cannot simply throw big names at a part; I must consider if the actor can truly capture the essence of the character, make it modern, and give it a new life. If a major character is not apart of the list, it is because I do not feel it important to have them as part of the initial reboot.

Chief Miles O'Brien: Dominic Cooper - His work on Captain America: The First Avenger proves that he has the ability to play multicultural roles, since Howard Stark was American and Cooper is British. However, I see him growing into an A list celebrity soon and I think his character in this new JJ Abrams universe could play a major role in the film. I would almost consider killing off O'Brien, though he was one of my favorites.

LT. Worf: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje - I am a huge fan of LOST. One of my favorite characters was Mr. Eko. He was a true badass with his stick, but then he also had a much deeper side to him. This is exactly what a modern Worf would need. Wrof is a Klingon warrior and must exude a battle hardened personality. But Worf must be more than a mindless killing machine like Mr. Eko.
DR. Beverly Crusher: Charlize Theron - There are actually many actors I think could fill this role. The primary candidates are Nicole Kidman (for the look and timidness), Rachel McAdams (for the possibility of a romance with a younger Picard), Isla Fisher (for the look and timidness but couldn't build a strong romance with Picard). Theron, I believe, would play very well with my selection for Picard. A potential love interest and check to Picard's power.
LT. CMDR. Data: Tom Hiddleston - His portrayal of Loki in Thor and The Avengers was amazing. I wouldn't put him on the level of Darth Vader or Heath Ledger's Joker, but he fit very well against Downey, Evans, Hemsworth, and Jackson. He can bring realism and that longing for emotion to the character. He also can look the part.
CMDR. William T Riker: Hugh Jackman - This was difficult, almost as difficult as choosing a Picard. Riker must be physically intimidating, strong willed, slightly a ladies man, and most of all capable of command but fears it slightly. Jackman was going to be my pick for Picard due to his theatrical experience. But once I found that right fit for Picard, I could remove Jackman from the project entirely because of his versatility as an actor. This made him the perfect fit for Riker, Jackman can be funny, commanding, fearsome, or even loving. Also, his age difference with Jaimie Alexander is more manageable and can be played off very well by the two actors.
CPT. Jean Luc Picard: Liam Neeson - After I looked desperately for a Picard, I thought I had found one in Hugh Jackman. However, once I thought of Liam Neeson came to mind and no other actor seemed to come close to him. Picard was the perfect blending of a diplomat, explorer, and warrior. He must also be a mentor to his crew. His work in Star Wars The Phantom Menace proves he can be a mentor, Taken proves he can be a kick ass warrior, and his voice gives him that diplomatic presence. Though many people have mentioned Ralph Finnes, and Christopher Eccelston (both good picks and can pull off the bald look), they simply do not have the presence Patrick Stewart had, nor Neeson. Though the iconic bald head will be difficult to work with on Neeson, his other qualities make him the perfect choice.
Q: David Tennant - Q, though not truly a villain, he certainly cause a large amount of trouble for Picard and his crew. Though the Romulans could also play a major role in the film, Q should be the main antagonist to Picard. Though many actors could fill the role, I think David Tennant could bring the right balance of crazy and seriousness needed for Q to be believable. Tennant, the 10th Doctor on the series Doctor Who (another favorite of mine), was both crazy, adventurous, and fun loving. He would bring a modern flavor to the classic Star Trek villain/nuisance.

Tomalak: Gary Oldman - He is another versatile actor; though the Romulan involvement in the film wouldn't have to be set in stone. Also, an entirely new Romulan face could be used. I think they should avoid the Borg in the intial reboot of the franchise.

Tomalak: Gary Oldman - He is another versatile actor; though the Romulan involvement in the film wouldn't have to be set in stone. Also, an entirely new Romulan face could be used. I think they should avoid the Borg in the intial reboot of the franchise.
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