Mighty Morphin Power Ranger
Original Group
Black Ranger: Zachary Jones
Actor: Jake T Austin

Austin isn't very well known but can bring energy to the character and the cast. His comedic experience will help keep the movie entertaining. Also, he can build into a powerful actor through this role.
Yellow Ranger: Trinity Trang
Actress: Kat Graham
Possibly best known for his role in Game of Thrones, Thomas just looks the part. Billy was the nerd, and Thomas can look nerdy while bringing a depth the character never had.
Pink Ranger: Kimberly Johnson
Actress: Nicola Peltz

Peltz has some recognition from the Transformer franchise, also her work on that movie proves she can handle big budget blockbuster movie time demands. She also brings the sex appeal he character was famou for without being to much of a "girl next door".
Red Ranger: Jason St. John
Actor: Lucas Till
Lucas has experierence in major action movies (X-Men First Class), making him ideal to lead this group of misfits. He also has the look of a young leader.
Now that the cast is set, you may notice that none of these actors or actresses have the star power needed to fill theaters and justify a major blockbuster. This means the supporting cast has to be great in order to draw the large crowds.
Actor: Alan Rickman

Rickman will give the character credibility. He will not simply be some face in a jar. He can be an ancient warrior returned to mentor and guide a new group of warriors in the defense of Earth.
Alpha 5
I think Alpha 5 should be changed to the computer system of the commander center. It would be known as an Aplha 5 intelligent command system. Any good voice over actor could fill the role. But do away with the goofy robot.
Rita Repulsa
Actress: Lana Parrilla

Parrilla plays a villain on the tv show Once Upon a Time. She is personally one of my favorite characters on the show. The biggest thing here is how I think she would fit into the story that I would like to see. Plus, she woud actually make Rita an attractive villain and not some ugly old hag.
Actor: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Goldar was sort of an idiot in the show, Dwayne can make him more of the muscle behind the villain. He won't be an Einstein but he won't be a Pee Wee Herman either. Plus he would fit well in the story.
Lord Zedd
Actor: Benedict Cumberbatch

Cumberbatch is the hottest villain in Hollywood right now. His portrayal of Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness and voicing of Smaug in the Hobbit series has proven his versatility as a villain. He can make Lord Zedd a nightmare for children and someone who is truely evil. Plus, he doesn't even have to physically play the character if he doesn't want too, just lending his voice to the character would be a great addition to the film. However I really don't think he should play a major role in the first film. This film should set up Zedd as the major villain for the sequel.
This is my list of characters for a possible reboot. But I want to mention a possible story line for this film or series of films.
Film 1
Possible Title
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers or simply Power Rangers
Rita Repulsa is accidentally released from a special prison on the moon. Her husband, Lord Zedd learns of her release and quickly disatches Goldar to remind Rita of her mission to bring Earth under Zedds rule. Zordon, an ancient galactic warrior charged with the defense of the Earthis awoken to defend the Earth. He chooses five young adults to become his new Rangers. He equips them with suits of armor (perhaps like one of the examples below) to fight Rita and her evil forces.

The Rangers fight a crueling battle with Rita's forces, led by Goldar. They are able to drive them back to a secret base on the moon. Mean while, the film ends with Lord Zedd entering Rita's base. He reveals his new weapon to finally conquer Earth. Zordon's old Ranger armor, the Green Ranger.
Film 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2 or Power Rangers Lord Zedd's Wrath
This film begins with Lord Zedd finding a human to serve as his Green Ranger.
Green Ranger: Tommy Frank
Actor Taylor Lautner

The Green Ranger terrorizes Earth and the Rangers. The Rangers find a way to release him from Lord Zedd's control but not before he helps Lord Zedd gain control of the Earth.
Film 3
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Return or Power Rangers 3 Return from Exile
The Rangers, exiled from Earth, search for old allies of Zordon's to help free him and Earth from Zedd. They learn the history of the Power Rangers and of an old group of Rangers that left their powers behind for future generations. If they merge their power with those left behind, they may be able to defeat Lord Zedd.
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