Sunday, June 9, 2013


Though I have nothing against the government tracking the phones of known terrorists, I do find it funny that the Democratic party fought against the Bush administration for doing it. Now, where is the outrage over the Obama administration seizing the phone records of the average everyday American? Under Bush, the NSA was listening to phone calls made from U. S. cell phones, to known terrorist numbers outside of the country. Democrats were furious and claimed this was a violation of privacy and also needed a warrant. Obama's administration has reported seized and continues to seize the phone records of all Verizon Wireless customers. The report also states that they had a court order to do this. Are all Verizon customers plotting against the U. S.? What judge would sign off on this broad of a warrant? How can you logically explain why all the records from all of Verizon Wireless' customers had to be seized? What will be the damage to Verizon Wireless' public image? I wish I could pose these questions and more to the president. I wish the citizens of the United States would wake up to the fact that this president clearly has either no idea what the government is doing (therefor is incompetent) or is completely disregarding the Constitution and the laws of our nation in a mad dash for power. One of these options must be true, you decide which is true, but there is only one obvious conclussion, he must go!

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