As I write this, I cannot stop the wave of emotions that flood my soul. My life is moving so fast now, everything is changing and it is so scary. But, rather than worry about it, I know I am prepared for the future. Many people may wonder how I can remain calm as I face the unknowns of life. It is simple, when I look back at where I have come from I know there is nothing I can't face. The Lord works in such amazing ways in the lives of his children; my life is no exception. In this post, I will reveal some deep secrets of my past and my family that I have shared with few people. I am doing this for my own personal reasons. If expect no pity, no special treatment, and no one will even really care about what I have to say. I write this for my own benefit, no one else's.
Let me begin with my past. I was born to a homeless, drug addict in the city of Birmingham, AL. My mother is not entirely sure who my biological father is and she and I have no desire to learn the truth. My birth itself is a miracle since it almost never happened. My mother tried to have me aborted; the only thing that stopped her was not having the $200 to pay for the procedure. Through a series of events, she and I moved to Louisville, KY. This is where the first major step in my growth occurred. My mother met the man I know call my dad. Though he and I wouldn't know it at the time, this relationship we were forming would become one of the most powerful influences on who I am today. Under this man's guidance I learned what it truly meant to be a man. I learned the value of an education and hard work. My dad moved us out of the city and to Arkansas. As I grew, I had ups and downs, but I never missed a lesson from my dad. To the world, he is the man that married my mother; to me, he is the greatest father anyone could ever ask for.
When I left home to join the military, I learned about the world outside of my small farm. I had friends, I had some knowledge of the world, but I knew very little about other cultures and other types of people. I also learned that very few people share my work ethic and sense of responsibility for their actions as I have. I am not perfect by any means, but I do not try to excuse my mistakes, I face the consequences for my actions. A lesson many people need to learn.
After the military came my first experience with college: also my first true experience with the opposite sex. I had no idea how to talk to women, just like I didn't know how to take my college classes seriously. I made huge mistakes with women and my studies. Though I would be forced to drop out of college, God would bless me with the one woman who could see the shy and confused little boy I was and turn him into a man. She taught me confidence and how a real man doesn't just wear blue jeans, t-shirts, and ball caps.
I failed to provide for my family without a college degree. My wife, dad, and family pushed me to return to college. My dad said I couldn't live his life, I had to become something more than a dirt poor farmer. I returned to classes with a new attitude, and an idea of how to be a student. I quickly found my true talent. I know I am natural leader, an amazing public speaker, and a pretty decent writer. I also easily understand marketing concepts and can work well with different cultures. I became a student leader in my school's Phi Beta Lambda chapter. My time in PBL will forever be the most memorable part of my college life. I have made so many good friends, learned so much from my professors. Though their are a certain few that mean more to me than others (they know who they are I hope), every single person I worked with in PBL has become a part of my life. Williams Baptist College and PBL have given me so much, I can't wait to repay them.
Now, I stand on the edge looking at the next journey God has in store for me. I have no clue what will happen, but I know I can overcome every obstacle. I can do this because I have an amazing wife that pushes and gives me a reason to be better than I am now, a father that has given me an example of what type of man I should be, a mentor that I know will always be there when I need guidance, and such amazing friends to help me run this race. Though I will always fail, I will never be a failure. When I fall , I will always get up stronger, having learned from my mistakes. My demons will always haunt me, but they will never control me again.
This is why I am a Real Man!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
President Franklin D Roosevelt said "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."
I disagree. Fear, like so many terms, is not used the way it is meant to be. Fear cannot be removed from our lives. To remove fear from your life would be like removing the oxygen from your lungs. Now, so many people will be confused by this, so I must explain.
When you FEAR something, you respect it. I fear the unknown because I do not know what it holds, but I am not afraid of it. I fear the things I cannot control but I am not terrified of what may happen. My fear gives me the caution I need to think before leaping. People who live without fear, without respect, make decisions that hurt themselves and hurt the ones they love. I fear what the consequences of each of my decisions will be, what they will do to my family. This fear makes me think about the proper course, the best decision that will benefit myself, my wife, my family, my friends, and everyone else. So you can try to hide from your fear, you can let it drive you insane with worry, you can completely ignore your fears, but you will always be weaker because of it. I will use my fear to drive my success. I do not fear failure, for I learn my short falls. So as you worry about the fear, as you "fear" fear, I will be climbing that ladder and leaving you in my dust. You chose.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Man of Steel Review
Man of Steel didn't disappoint. I had very high expectations because of producer Christopher Nolan's masterful work on The Dark Knight Trilogy. The film didn't disappoint! However, the camera movement was just to over done in some of the action scenes. I understand they wanted to show how fast Superman, Zod, and all the others could move, but they really distracted from the story at points. Russell Crowe was amazing, Henry Cavill was a perfect choice for Clark Kent/Superman/Kal-El, Michael Shannon really brought Zod into the 21st century and to reality, Kevin Costner gave a true human element to the film. I was a little disappointed in Amy Adams as Lois Lane, but she didn't hurt the film (she just didn't blow me away either). Director Zack Snyder did a very good job of grounding the story in reality. However, they did pay homage to the comic books, in the very first appearance of Superman in Action Comics #1, Superman couldn't fly, he could only leap over tall buildings in a single bound. Superman cannot fly until he learns how to jump. The new suit is far better than the old suits, the explanation of the "S" on the chest is much better than it just meaning Superman. I highly recommend this movie, especially for families, very little cussing, sexual references, or gory violence. I would say my favorite part of the film was how they didn't make Superman the golden boy, or boy scout that he always was in the comics. Superman has learned to get his hands a little dirty. I hope you go see the film.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Simcity Disappointment
I preordered the new Simcity game in February of this year. I spent many months watching the development footage of the game just waiting for a chance to build my city! However, even though the game hit computers in March, I still haven't built my first city. This came because of a slight miscommunication by EA; the game didn't release for Mac in March. At first I was upset, but then I saw the complete disaster of a launch the game had. This slightly comforted me, I didn't have to fight through the damage control of the failure. Then EA announced the game would come to the Mac on June 11. I thought, "There is no possible way they will screw up the second release of the game." This happened though as it is June 12, and I still haven't built my city. I have never owned a Simcity game before, but I have always wanted one. Now the game features aspects that made the game exactly what I wanted, full 3D terrain and buildings. But, despite all the qualities that caused my desire for the game, I am unwilling to continue to wait for the game. I do not have the extra money to purchase a Windows computer, I doubt I would want a new Windows 8 anyways with the bad reviews I have heard from people, to play the game. Therefore I will do everything I can to have my money returned and once again, I will not be able to enjoy a game I have been waiting on for many years. I doubt I will succeed but I will try. I must admit, I studied marketing in college, it was one of my favorite subjects, and I believe EA needs to fire their marketing team. This has been a disaster. That is my rant for the day.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Public Speaking Tips
As I went through new employee orientation today, we were asked a unique ability or skill that we could bring to the company. At the moment, the only thing I could think of was my public speaking ability. This is a skill I have developed through the various presentations I have had to give in school and through Phi Beta Lambda competitions. One of the other new employees asked me how I could keep from being nervous. All the others showed the same amazement at the thought of someone actually enjoying speaking in front of a crowd as so many others I have met. I find it very strange that anyone would have such a fear of something as simple as talking. People have an abnormally large fear of public speaking, some say they would rather die than do it, but it isn't very difficult. So, I have decided to give a few quick tips that I use when I speak in public.
#1: Know your material - Many people would say have confidence, but you can't have confidence if you do not know what you are speaking about. I submit this instead, the better you know your material and how to present it, the more confidence you will have.
#2: You won't say anything wrong - I hear people ask this hypothetical question all the time, "What if I say the wrong thing?" My answer is, "Who cares?" Only you will know that the words you spoke were incorrect, therefore simply go with it. Do not go back and try to say it again.
#3: Speak up - This tip requires confidence, but if you have followed my previous two tips then this should be easy. Speak loud and proud, you are in front of them for a reason and as long as they do not get up to leave, then you are doing well.
#4: Don't give a damn about anyone's "possible" opinion - "What if they hate it?" This question is dangerous and pointless. If you present your case or facts correctly, then it is on them to enjoy the information you have given them. If they do not like it, then tell them (mentally, do not actually speak the words out loud) to kiss your ass. Now this does not mean you should ignore constructive criticism. Just filter out the quality critiques of your presentation and the B. S. of people's personal opinions.
I hope these tips help you in your next speech or presentations.
#1: Know your material - Many people would say have confidence, but you can't have confidence if you do not know what you are speaking about. I submit this instead, the better you know your material and how to present it, the more confidence you will have.
#2: You won't say anything wrong - I hear people ask this hypothetical question all the time, "What if I say the wrong thing?" My answer is, "Who cares?" Only you will know that the words you spoke were incorrect, therefore simply go with it. Do not go back and try to say it again.
#3: Speak up - This tip requires confidence, but if you have followed my previous two tips then this should be easy. Speak loud and proud, you are in front of them for a reason and as long as they do not get up to leave, then you are doing well.
#4: Don't give a damn about anyone's "possible" opinion - "What if they hate it?" This question is dangerous and pointless. If you present your case or facts correctly, then it is on them to enjoy the information you have given them. If they do not like it, then tell them (mentally, do not actually speak the words out loud) to kiss your ass. Now this does not mean you should ignore constructive criticism. Just filter out the quality critiques of your presentation and the B. S. of people's personal opinions.
I hope these tips help you in your next speech or presentations.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Though I have nothing against the government tracking the phones of known terrorists, I do find it funny that the Democratic party fought against the Bush administration for doing it. Now, where is the outrage over the Obama administration seizing the phone records of the average everyday American? Under Bush, the NSA was listening to phone calls made from U. S. cell phones, to known terrorist numbers outside of the country. Democrats were furious and claimed this was a violation of privacy and also needed a warrant. Obama's administration has reported seized and continues to seize the phone records of all Verizon Wireless customers. The report also states that they had a court order to do this. Are all Verizon customers plotting against the U. S.? What judge would sign off on this broad of a warrant? How can you logically explain why all the records from all of Verizon Wireless' customers had to be seized? What will be the damage to Verizon Wireless' public image? I wish I could pose these questions and more to the president. I wish the citizens of the United States would wake up to the fact that this president clearly has either no idea what the government is doing (therefor is incompetent) or is completely disregarding the Constitution and the laws of our nation in a mad dash for power. One of these options must be true, you decide which is true, but there is only one obvious conclussion, he must go!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
The Best Starship Enterprise
Since I am a huge fan of Star Trek and the new movie has offered me another chance to talk about one of my favorite television series. In this post, I will discuss my list of the best Enterprise. My list will include the alternate timeline Enterprise that JJ Abrams has created. My criteria will include the quality of the ship, crew, and historical record. I want to include each of these because if I went off of ship quality alone then of course the Enterprise-E would be the best; therefore I account for crew and record. To quote CPT Picard, "Make it so."
NX-01 Enterprise
Star Trek Enterprise
Of all the Star Trek series, Star Trek Enterprise is my least favorite. I felt the show was just beating a dead, money horse. The ship is the least technologically advanced, her crew was limited by the limited reach of the Federation at the time. I just cannot see this Enterprise holding up in any competition against the other ships: speed, weapons, endurance, and scientific. It is also one of the least recognizable ships in the Star Trek universe.
NCC-1701-A: USS Enterprise
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home/ Star Trek V: The Final Frontier/ Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
I am counting this as the second USS Enterprise in the original timeline since it received a new name after its refit. The new ship, though sported the crew of the original Enterprise, didn't have the same storied life as her predecessor.
NCC-1701: USS Enterprise
Star Trek/ Star Trek Into Darkness
The newest addition to the Star Trek universe through the alternate timeline created by JJ Abrams in 2009 has brought a sense of reality to the franchise. Technologically equivalent to the original timeline ship of the same name, this ship didn't have the reputation to climb any higher on the list.
NCC-1701-D: USS Enterprise
Star Trek: The Next Generation/ Star Trek Generations
Though not the most famous ship and not the most famous crew, it is a close second in those categories. Technology is the ships strong point over the original Enterprise. Plus, I must point out that CPT Picard is by far the best captain in the Star Trek universe.
I believe this will be the last of my Star Trek posts for a while. I hope to begin a series of Superman posts after I see Man of Steel.
NX-01 Enterprise
Star Trek Enterprise
Of all the Star Trek series, Star Trek Enterprise is my least favorite. I felt the show was just beating a dead, money horse. The ship is the least technologically advanced, her crew was limited by the limited reach of the Federation at the time. I just cannot see this Enterprise holding up in any competition against the other ships: speed, weapons, endurance, and scientific. It is also one of the least recognizable ships in the Star Trek universe.
NCC-1701-C: USS Enterprise
Star Trek: The Next Generation
In my opinion, the most unrecognizable ship to bare the name, this ship had a very short service time and no remarkable achievements. Though it is technically more advanced than the USS Enterprise, USS Enterprise-A, and USS Enterprise-B, it is unproven.
NCC-1701-B: USS Enterprise
Star Trek Generations
Though is bears the name Enterprise-B, it is the third Enterprise in the original timeline. A very physically large vessel. The ship was technologically advanced for its day, but its reputation lacks when compared to the other ships on the list.
NCC-1701-A: USS Enterprise
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home/ Star Trek V: The Final Frontier/ Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
I am counting this as the second USS Enterprise in the original timeline since it received a new name after its refit. The new ship, though sported the crew of the original Enterprise, didn't have the same storied life as her predecessor.
NCC-1701-E: USS Enterprise
Star Trek First Contact/ Star Trek Insurrection/ Star Trek Nemesis
By far the most technologically advanced ship in the original timeline. The Enterprise-E also has some solid bragging rights, having traveled to the past to protect the first human wrap flight, and being the first Federation vessel to visit Romulus. Her crew was also very impressive, but she didn't have the reputation of the remaining ships on my list.
NCC-1701: USS Enterprise
Star Trek/ Star Trek Into Darkness
The newest addition to the Star Trek universe through the alternate timeline created by JJ Abrams in 2009 has brought a sense of reality to the franchise. Technologically equivalent to the original timeline ship of the same name, this ship didn't have the reputation to climb any higher on the list.
NCC-1701: USS Enterprise
Star Trek (The Original Series)
Possibly the most recognizable ship in the Star Trek universe, and with undoubtedly the most famous crew, the only thing holding it back from the number one slot is it's technological obsolescence compared to the number one ship.
NCC-1701-D: USS Enterprise
Star Trek: The Next Generation/ Star Trek Generations
Though not the most famous ship and not the most famous crew, it is a close second in those categories. Technology is the ships strong point over the original Enterprise. Plus, I must point out that CPT Picard is by far the best captain in the Star Trek universe.
I believe this will be the last of my Star Trek posts for a while. I hope to begin a series of Superman posts after I see Man of Steel.
Political Turmoil
If you pay any attention to the news at all, you know that the government (primarily the IRS) has gotten into quite a bit of trouble. I feel and it appears to be the case that we are only beginning to discover the corruption in Washington. Though I am a firm believer that all governments are corrupt, I feel the larger the government the more corrupt it is. Our government has grown to an unimaginable size since its formation. This has been for the best in some areas, and for the worst in other areas. I believe that the Obama administration is beginning to show its true colors and the Republican must strike now if they want to give the control of the government back to the proper people, the citizens of the United States. Though I vote Republican I must say that the party is far from perfect. The Republican party is filled with weak politicians that are to afraid of public (liberal media) opinion to do the right thing. The Republican party must push this matter of corruption through the next election. Also, the party must stop ignoring the younger voters. Older voters are not going to change their minds, they know how they will vote. Voters in their twenties and teenagers that will become voters soon, only vote how they are told to vote by social and liberal media. They do not think for themselves or think a situation through. The Republican party must change this. The liberal/socialist movement knew that the only way to truly control the nation was to have its citizens welcome them with open arms as saviors. This could only be accomplished by capturing the hearts and minds of the future voters. Ever since the government took control of the primary education of America's youth our society has degraded. Now conservatives must educate the youth of America in the ways of reason, logic, and common sense. Political leaders must use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites to educate the younger voters. Use these sites to expose the corruption of the Obama administration to young voters. These are my recommendations to the Republican party. But who am I?
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
The Best Super Hero
Since comic-book super heroes are dominating the box offices every summer, I felt I should determine which super hero would is the best. This is my top 10 super heroes; my criteria is not based on popularity alone, but also on abilities and aesthetics.
#10 Spiderman
I began with Spiderman because he has the sleek look to his outfit, however, he is more of an annoying character than a relatable one. He is somewhat strong, very agile, and fairly fast, but Spiderman simply doesn't intimidate his opponents.
#9 Flash
The Flash is an interesting hero. His only power is super speed, but this amount of speed is allows him to accomplish great feats. His modern look is very sleek and sexy. I simply couldn't justify rising him above some of the other heroes on my because he isn't one of the more famous heroes.
Captain America is the true boy scout. His heart, determination, and resiliency are his true powers. Though he was created as the perfect soldier, he is now the true American hero. His suit lacks a little appeal for 21st century fans, but his shield is still bad ass.
#7 Wonder Woman
This choice is obvious; Wonder Woman would be higher if she had the super powers that the following heroes have. She is here simply on her appeal. She is the focus of many nerd's fantasies. Plus, the thought of an incredibly attractive woman being able to not only kick your ass, but the ass of almost any hero on this list.
#6 Batman
This is the hardest choice for me, but I had to make it. Batman is my favorite hero because he is not a hero (especially Nolan's Batman). However, he has no real super powers; his super powers are his wallet, will, and ingenuity.
#5 Iron Man
Another hero with a bottomless pit of a wallet and a genius to boot. However, he gets the slight edge over Batman because his chest piece and armor allows gives him the appearance of super powers. Plus, I would say Batman and Iron Man are equal in the bad ass looking suits.
#4 Thor
Thor would have made it higher if it wasn't for the fact that he can die and the next three heroes seemingly cannot. His out fit and stature is fairly intimidating; but the next three slightly beat him in that aspect as well.
#3 Hulk
Some people could say that this is too low for the Hulk. Let me explain, first, the Hulk is not always a hero. He is pure rage which means he isn't always thinking of helping others, plus I believe that he could defeat the next two heroes on my list, though they may not be able to beat him either.
#2 Wolverine
Wolverine (as he is depicted in modern comics and the various movie franchises) has extreme healing abilities. This, in association with his indestructible claws, makes him nearly impossible to kill. But once again, he lives by rage, though not to the extent of the Hulk, and he is very self centered.
#1 Superman
I think it is only fitting that the first super hero is the best. Superman was given all the great super powers: flight, super strength, super speed, and x-ray vision. Though his uniform has been some what goofy over the years, over all the sight of him is fairly intimidating. I look forward to seeing Christopher Nolan's take on the "Man of Steel".
Importance of an Education (Proper Education)
In today's world, many Americans are becoming aware that a college education is vital to success in the modern economy. Any degree is certainly better than no degree, however certain degrees are far better than others. This is difficult for me to write, since i am a firm believer in the understanding of the liberal arts (history, languages, literature, cultural studies, psychology, and what we so often call art). Everyone should understand and study these fields, however, these should not be the focus of a person's college education. Practical degrees, that offer a person knowledge of how to survive in modern markets. I strongly believe that degrees in medicine, engineering, business, and teaching would be the best choices for a new college student. Why are these degrees more appropriate? Every student should understand business, this is because every organization a person will work for is a form of business; it could be a non-profit business, a government organization, or a traditional for-profit company. We all work in a form of business and therefore should understand the workings of business organizations: the accounting, financial, operational, and organization of the companies, hospitals, and government departments that a person will work for. I mentioned medical and engineering degrees, these degrees, though not in business, are very important and highly technical degrees. Also, those degrees are in high demand fields and are potentially very lucrative. The other college majors, though important for someone to understand should not be a career. Though I do not agree with the Occupy Wall St movement, there would not be a "1%" if everyone worked as hard to get to the top as the "1%"has. A person is not simply born a successful executive, it is earned and fought for. This determination is what all students need, no matter what their major is. If we are willing to do the best in everything we do, then all people would become the "1%". That is my soap box for the day.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Professional Attire & Behavior
I have noticed in my years as a college student, and living in the rural south that too many men today do not know, nor do they seem to care about how they dress or behave at work. Of course I know it is hard to dress in a business suit when you work in a rock quarry, an auto repair shop, or manufacturing facility; however, this doesn't excuse how men dress for interviews and professional functions. Though I enjoy wearing a good pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt when I am just hanging with family and friends, when I have a job interview or even a job fair. Because of these serious lack of care for one's own personal appearance, I have decided to give the men of the world a little advice in the realm of professional behavior.
Let us begin with proper behavior. This is not simply professional behavior, it is adult behavior. I will begin with something I absolutely despise, chewing tobacco. I fully understand the power that nicotine has on the body; but that bulge in your bottom lip that makes you sound like a moron, the crap you keep spitting all over the place, and your teeth display someone with very low intelligence that no manager should ever consider for a job. I'm not worried about the health effects, its your body, but you appear like the stereo type that has been placed on southern men.
Next I wish to discuss the lack of grammatical understanding so prevalent in the south. "Ain't" is not in the dictionary. It is pronounced, "you all" not "y'all" (even I struggle with this one). Learn how to use the English language properly or keep your mouth shut. Your southern drawl is not a sign of you southern pride. I am proud of my southern heritage but we cannot allow the preconception that all southern men are backward, uncivilized oafs. Get a dictionary out, read it, and begin to expand your vocabulary.
Now that I have preached about behavior, I will discuss wardrobe. As I mentioned, I love wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. There is nothing wrong with these things. However, your blue jeans should be washed regularly, free from any major holes or rips, and not crazy colors. You shirt should also be clean and free from vulgar phrases and depictions. Now, with this being said, when you are out of the house, doing more than just running simple errands, you should be dressed in a manner that suggests you could be a suitable employee. Whether you are actively searching for a job or not, you must be prepared to meet a potential employer, you may find your dream job while walking in the mall.
Once you have gotten your foot in the door, you have to interview with the company. When attending an interview you must understand the nature of the company you are interviewing with. The job will determine the attire; I would say never go dressed in anything less than khaki pants and a button up shirt (both must be ironed before the interview) for a small position at a restaurant or retail chain. For any job that requires a college degree, you had better arrive in a suit (gray, brown, or navy blue), white shirt, and a neutral colored tie (red, blue, or black is best). Below is a picture of me wearing proper interview attire, though I would wear a different tie that is light blue with dark red stripes.
Let us begin with proper behavior. This is not simply professional behavior, it is adult behavior. I will begin with something I absolutely despise, chewing tobacco. I fully understand the power that nicotine has on the body; but that bulge in your bottom lip that makes you sound like a moron, the crap you keep spitting all over the place, and your teeth display someone with very low intelligence that no manager should ever consider for a job. I'm not worried about the health effects, its your body, but you appear like the stereo type that has been placed on southern men.
Next I wish to discuss the lack of grammatical understanding so prevalent in the south. "Ain't" is not in the dictionary. It is pronounced, "you all" not "y'all" (even I struggle with this one). Learn how to use the English language properly or keep your mouth shut. Your southern drawl is not a sign of you southern pride. I am proud of my southern heritage but we cannot allow the preconception that all southern men are backward, uncivilized oafs. Get a dictionary out, read it, and begin to expand your vocabulary.
Now that I have preached about behavior, I will discuss wardrobe. As I mentioned, I love wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. There is nothing wrong with these things. However, your blue jeans should be washed regularly, free from any major holes or rips, and not crazy colors. You shirt should also be clean and free from vulgar phrases and depictions. Now, with this being said, when you are out of the house, doing more than just running simple errands, you should be dressed in a manner that suggests you could be a suitable employee. Whether you are actively searching for a job or not, you must be prepared to meet a potential employer, you may find your dream job while walking in the mall.
Once you have gotten your foot in the door, you have to interview with the company. When attending an interview you must understand the nature of the company you are interviewing with. The job will determine the attire; I would say never go dressed in anything less than khaki pants and a button up shirt (both must be ironed before the interview) for a small position at a restaurant or retail chain. For any job that requires a college degree, you had better arrive in a suit (gray, brown, or navy blue), white shirt, and a neutral colored tie (red, blue, or black is best). Below is a picture of me wearing proper interview attire, though I would wear a different tie that is light blue with dark red stripes.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Return to Posting (Star Trek TNG Reboot)
I haven't written a post in a few months. I want to get back to writing in a big way. I am resuming work on the novel I started many years ago. I also want to get back to blogging. I will start with a look at what a JJ Abrams Next Generation cast might look like.
This is very difficult because I cannot simply throw big names at a part; I must consider if the actor can truly capture the essence of the character, make it modern, and give it a new life. If a major character is not apart of the list, it is because I do not feel it important to have them as part of the initial reboot.

Chief Miles O'Brien: Dominic Cooper - His work on Captain America: The First Avenger proves that he has the ability to play multicultural roles, since Howard Stark was American and Cooper is British. However, I see him growing into an A list celebrity soon and I think his character in this new JJ Abrams universe could play a major role in the film. I would almost consider killing off O'Brien, though he was one of my favorites.

LT. Tasha Yar: Blake Lively - Now this pick would appear to be very strange, but bare with me. She has the look, and this role could offer her the opportunity to branch out from the typical teen dramas (Gossip Girl) she is so known for. Tasha Yar's personality could transform her into a possible action star.
Counselor Deanna Troi: Jaimie Alexander - I really enjoyed seeing her in Thor. She fits the slightly exotic look that Marina Sirtis made popular. She proved she was a badass in Thor, now can she be a subdued seductress? I think she can, and she will bring some back bone to the character.
LT. Geordi La Forge: Ne-Yo - Battle Los Angeles certainly proved he can act, and appear to handle high stress situations. La Forge was always under Picards thumb throughout the series. Picard would always demand the impossible from the Chief Engineer of the Enterprise D.
This is very difficult because I cannot simply throw big names at a part; I must consider if the actor can truly capture the essence of the character, make it modern, and give it a new life. If a major character is not apart of the list, it is because I do not feel it important to have them as part of the initial reboot.

Chief Miles O'Brien: Dominic Cooper - His work on Captain America: The First Avenger proves that he has the ability to play multicultural roles, since Howard Stark was American and Cooper is British. However, I see him growing into an A list celebrity soon and I think his character in this new JJ Abrams universe could play a major role in the film. I would almost consider killing off O'Brien, though he was one of my favorites.

LT. Worf: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje - I am a huge fan of LOST. One of my favorite characters was Mr. Eko. He was a true badass with his stick, but then he also had a much deeper side to him. This is exactly what a modern Worf would need. Wrof is a Klingon warrior and must exude a battle hardened personality. But Worf must be more than a mindless killing machine like Mr. Eko.
DR. Beverly Crusher: Charlize Theron - There are actually many actors I think could fill this role. The primary candidates are Nicole Kidman (for the look and timidness), Rachel McAdams (for the possibility of a romance with a younger Picard), Isla Fisher (for the look and timidness but couldn't build a strong romance with Picard). Theron, I believe, would play very well with my selection for Picard. A potential love interest and check to Picard's power.
LT. CMDR. Data: Tom Hiddleston - His portrayal of Loki in Thor and The Avengers was amazing. I wouldn't put him on the level of Darth Vader or Heath Ledger's Joker, but he fit very well against Downey, Evans, Hemsworth, and Jackson. He can bring realism and that longing for emotion to the character. He also can look the part.
CMDR. William T Riker: Hugh Jackman - This was difficult, almost as difficult as choosing a Picard. Riker must be physically intimidating, strong willed, slightly a ladies man, and most of all capable of command but fears it slightly. Jackman was going to be my pick for Picard due to his theatrical experience. But once I found that right fit for Picard, I could remove Jackman from the project entirely because of his versatility as an actor. This made him the perfect fit for Riker, Jackman can be funny, commanding, fearsome, or even loving. Also, his age difference with Jaimie Alexander is more manageable and can be played off very well by the two actors.
CPT. Jean Luc Picard: Liam Neeson - After I looked desperately for a Picard, I thought I had found one in Hugh Jackman. However, once I thought of Liam Neeson came to mind and no other actor seemed to come close to him. Picard was the perfect blending of a diplomat, explorer, and warrior. He must also be a mentor to his crew. His work in Star Wars The Phantom Menace proves he can be a mentor, Taken proves he can be a kick ass warrior, and his voice gives him that diplomatic presence. Though many people have mentioned Ralph Finnes, and Christopher Eccelston (both good picks and can pull off the bald look), they simply do not have the presence Patrick Stewart had, nor Neeson. Though the iconic bald head will be difficult to work with on Neeson, his other qualities make him the perfect choice.
Q: David Tennant - Q, though not truly a villain, he certainly cause a large amount of trouble for Picard and his crew. Though the Romulans could also play a major role in the film, Q should be the main antagonist to Picard. Though many actors could fill the role, I think David Tennant could bring the right balance of crazy and seriousness needed for Q to be believable. Tennant, the 10th Doctor on the series Doctor Who (another favorite of mine), was both crazy, adventurous, and fun loving. He would bring a modern flavor to the classic Star Trek villain/nuisance.

Tomalak: Gary Oldman - He is another versatile actor; though the Romulan involvement in the film wouldn't have to be set in stone. Also, an entirely new Romulan face could be used. I think they should avoid the Borg in the intial reboot of the franchise.

Tomalak: Gary Oldman - He is another versatile actor; though the Romulan involvement in the film wouldn't have to be set in stone. Also, an entirely new Romulan face could be used. I think they should avoid the Borg in the intial reboot of the franchise.
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