Monday, October 29, 2012
Suddenlink Communication
I have been without internet for the past few days and I want to rant about why. Suddenlink Communication shut off my internet after a computer error prevented my payment from going through. It was unclear whether it was there fault or my banks. But they shut it off, then when I went to repay the balance, they charged me over $70 more than the actual monthly payment. This pissed me off and I want the rest of the internet to know how terrible the service from Suddenlink Communication is. Their internet isn't reliable and their customer service is even worse. If you can use another internet provider other than Suddenlink then do it; I can't imagine a worse internet service than the one I have now.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Life's Choices
Life is simply the choices we make.
Everyone knows this, at least I am assuming that
everyone is intelligent enough to know this fundamental truth. But, despite the
obviousness of this truth, so many people want to say that we cannot choose
certain things. Also, people say that choosing certain opinions is wrong. I am
referring to people of the liberal mindset. In our modern world, you are
considered the purest form of evil if you ever express any sort of conservative
thought. However, I am not afraid of the opinions others have of me and feel
that someone must add some small bit of rationality to this insane world. I
will use this post to bring some (not-so)common sense into the political fire.
Let me also warn you, I am not afraid to speak my mind; I do not care if I hurt
your feelings or offend you. But, I would also like to point out that my
opinion is not the opinion that matters; that belongs to the Lord Almighty.
Yes, I am a firm Christian and there is no way in hell you can convince me
otherwise. My faith is very strong and a large part of how I choose to live my
life. With that said, let us begin.
I started this post with the statement, life is
simply the choices we make. I will elaborate. There once was a time when you
were born with certain items that you could never rid yourself of: family, sex,
race, hair/eye color, etc. That was the facts of yesteryear, it is not the case
today. You are not born with anything other than your choices and the
consequences of those choices. Despite want Hollywood and the liberal media is
forcing down your throats, you choose every aspect of your life. You choose to
be successful or to fail, you choose to be poor or wealthy, you choose to be
heterosexual or homosexual, and you can even choose to be a man or a woman. So,
I say this to combat this plague that our society is experiencing. We blame the
fact that we were born this way, rather than accepting the responsibilities of
our actions and choices. This is an effort to hide from the consequences of
poor choices. When you hide from the consequences, you do not pay the attention
needed, to those affected most by your actions. This causes the world to fill
up with selfish, freeloaders. Too many people in our society are not working to
support themselves, they live off the hard work of others. This is another
fundamental flaw in the liberal mindset. Following the teachings of Karl Marx
into this socialistic mind set is very dangerous. Through the government
welfare system, Americans are learning to live off the work of others; The
minority is carrying the burden of carrying the economy. With so many people
living off of so few workers, the economy cannot help but struggle. We need to
force Americans off their asses and get them working for themselves and their
families. This will increase GDP, and help alleviate the unemployment catastrophe
we are about to face. Yes, you read me right, we haven't even begun to face a
true unemployment disaster. Yet, I must explain, we will not be putting many of
the workers that were hurt by the recession back to work, we will be unable to
find qualified workers to fill all the opening jobs being vacated by
baby-boomers. I know this fact is strange considering we have so many
unemployed workers waiting for a position. This is a reality because so many of
the workers affected by the 2008 recession were non-college graduates. The
American economy has been moving away from manual labor for decades, and now it
is more important than ever to realize that intellectual services will be the
norm. Both political parties are focusing on bringing back manufacturing (which
would destroy our economy) and not on educating the workforce and preparing it
for the future. Besides, no company will bring their manufacturing back to the
states unless we put unions back in their place. Unions have long outlived
their usefulness and should be restricted from causing so much harm to American
industries. I know, I sound evil, but it is true. The future of the American
economy will depend on companies not having to over pay their workers. Besides,
unions protected un-educated factory workers, not highly educated service
workers. With the increase in job openings I mentioned earlier and shortage of
qualified workers, educated workers will be able to set their own price in a
way. But, with such a need for educated workers on the horizon, we have to have
a way to educate them. Everyone is complaining about the cost of education in
the country, and I agree. However, the cost is more than worth it. Though,
there are still some people who need a lower cost education, this is provided in
the numerous community colleges through out the nation. As you can see, I have
not mentioned a government bailout for college student loan debt; it isn't
practical. College students must learn to care for the debt they earned,
remember, it's a choice. No, our higher education system is one of, if not the
best in the world. With that said, this nation's primary education system is
nothing short of a hilarious joke. Our students are not taught anything of real
value, they are simply brainwashed into the typical socialist ideals. Students
do not learn how to think, how to reason, or how to imagine; this is crippling
our nations future work force. But education isn't the only area our nation is
failing in. Our government has lost all understanding of basic economics. When
the economy goes into a recession, the government must decrease spending, and
cut taxes. By cutting taxes, the people have more money in their pockets to put
back into the economy. When the government increases spending, they have to
increase taxes, sucking more money out of the already fragile economy. Liberals
would answer this by saying the rich should pay higher taxes since they have
the money to give. This goes back to the free loading issue I brought up
before. But, it also shows a discrimination against people who succeed. It also
severely limits the growth potential of the economy since it is the wealthy
Americans that run and fund the major American businesses. It isn't fair to
punish these hard working people for succeeding, we should praise them and push
our young people to strive to achieve similar goals.
So, I have spoken my mind. Though this is just a small part of the
thoughts that fly through my head, I felt that someone must say it.
Monday, October 22, 2012
WBC Sports 8
The fall sports season is drawing to a close here at my school. The WBC Soccer team has fallen into a 9 game losing streak, with an overall record of 1-12 and 1-6 in conference. The year will come to an end on Oct. 27th as they play their last game at Missouri Baptist College in St Louis MO. They will not continue their season into the conference tournament. Now the question becomes, how can they build towards next season?

The WBC Volleyball team is having a much different season. After a solid start to the season, they began to slip in conference play. However, they have turned their season around with 4 straight wins. Now sitting at 7-9 in conference and 18-10 overall, the Eagles are very much alive in the hunt for a spot in the conference tournament. I look forward to seeing the rest of this season
The WBC Volleyball team is having a much different season. After a solid start to the season, they began to slip in conference play. However, they have turned their season around with 4 straight wins. Now sitting at 7-9 in conference and 18-10 overall, the Eagles are very much alive in the hunt for a spot in the conference tournament. I look forward to seeing the rest of this season
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Phi Beta Lambda
The Williams Baptist Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Chapter Officer team (of which I am President) has just returned from the Arkansas PBL Fall Leadership Conference at Pulaski Technical Community College in North Little Rock AR. First, let me begin by describing what PBL actually is. Phi Beta Lambda is the college level of the Future Business Leaders of America - Phi Beta Lambda Incorporated (FBLA-PBL Inc.). FBLA is the high school and most widely known level of the organization. Both FBLA and PBL hold state wide competitions and the winners of the state levels compete at the national level. Many of the best colleges/universities in the nations have chapters. Our chapter, though from a very small school, has enjoyed amazing success at the state level and some high honors at the national level also. Our chapter has placed in the top 10 in numerous national events to include Business Ethics, Human Resource Management, Business Presentation, and Strategic Analysis and Decision Making. Our chapter has also just had its first member elected to a state office position; Morgan Hatcher, the Director of Communication. During this time of the year each chapter is of course going through classes, but many are involved in charitable work throughout their communities. My chapter will be hosting a diaper drive next weekend for the Arkansas Rice Depot. We also hold a hunger awareness dinner in the spring in conjunction with the Campus Ministries office; the dinner is meant to raise awareness for world hunger and money for Heifer International. We raised around $1,800 for them last spring. All of what I have mentioned is what makes FBLA-PBL an amazing organization. It really prepares a student for their careers. It also gives students a great way to compete with against intellectuals that share the same ambitions and career goals. I find the events so beneficial to myself and do not accept anything but the best. My groups 5th place finish at the National Leadership Conference for Business Presentation simply wasn't good enough, for any of us. This year, our chapter intends on brining home more top 10s and will shoot for more top 5s then we have ever had. I look forward to the great things that this chapter can do as we pursue the gold chapter award and the different competitive events.
Monday, October 15, 2012
College Football Mid Season Review
It is midseason and the college football picture is beginning to clear up. Like I said at the beginning of the season, Alabama is the best team in the nation, and though right now it doesn't look like it South Carolina is still in the running to face 'Bama in the SEC Championship, but Florida is the new front runner in the East. The ACC picture isn't as clear yet, though my prediction could still come through. Michigan could still face Wisconsin in the BIG 10, though Ohio State deserves it more. Texas is not going to win the BIG12, that belongs to either Kansas State or TCU; West Virginia is also in the running. Oregon is still the front runner in the PAC 12 but they better watch out for Oregon State, and they will face USC I'm sure. I still think Alabama will face and beat Oregon in the National Championship. My hopes and predictions that Arkansas could over take Alabama in the West proved foolish. I didn't see the complete implosion of September coming. Just when it seemed darkest for Razorbacks fans, things turned around in October (at least so far). Two solid wins against SEC opponents have given fans a chance to believe that the season can be salvaged and we can hold our heads up with dignity.
Once the NFL reaches midseason, I will look back on my predictions.
Once the NFL reaches midseason, I will look back on my predictions.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
WBC Sports 7
Well, the fall season is beginning to take shape and the current sports at my school are gearing up for the end of their seasons. The soccer and volleyball teams are deep into their seasons. WBC soccer is not having a very good season, with a 1-8 overall record, 1-4 in conference, the team has fought to several close finishes but has failed to close several games. With 5 games left on the schedule, the most the team can play for at this point is pride. Though, I never believe in just giving up; you always fight to the bitter end. I look forward to cheering on the Eagles for the rest of the season.
The Eagles volleyball team is having a much better year in comparison. With a 12-8 overall, 3-7 in conference. With 14 games left on their schedule, the team can turn their season around and head into the conference tournament with a full wave of momentum. Despite their youth, the team has a ton of talent and can easily be a force to reckon with in the conference. I am looking forward to watching the rest of the season pan out.
With the seasons of soccer and volleyball winding down, basketball is just around the corner. Our basketball seasons start on the first weekend of November. I look forward to brining you all the action from our women's and men's teams.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Movie Watch List
One of my passions is films. I love the capturing of raw emotion that some film makers can achieve. With instant classics that have already blown away the box office this year in The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers. So, I want to list my must see movies of the rest of 2012 and of the coming summer. Let's begin.
Nov. 23, 2012
With a very interesting take on every childhood legend, Rise of the Guardians looks to be quite a good film. I like the voice talent they brought in for the film. Although I won't be able to go see it in theaters, I will watch it once it comes out on dvd.

March 29, 2013
After GI Joe was pulled from this past summer's line up of blockbuster to have 3D added, I was very disappointed. 3D, though I understand is the future of movies, isn't good enough to justify pulling a movie so close to its release simply to add profits. Any film that was filmed and then had 3D added later has been very poor quality as far as the 3D itself is concerned. I do like how they are trying to fix the problems from the first film, though I think they are focusing to much on The Rock's character and not the main character played by Channing Tatum. But, I am still looking forward to this one, though I doubt I will go see it in theaters now that it is in 3D.
May 24, 2013
So, this is another franchise that just knows how to stick around. With the addition of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to the franchise, the franchise has at least one good film left in them. Though, I think after this film, the franchise should call it quits while the are still ahead. Plus, being scheduled to open right along side another major franchise (The Hangover III) will hurt its box office draw.

June 14, 2013
After the huge success of The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, Christper Nolan has turned his attention to reinventing the original super hero. Batman and Superman were the first super heros. Nolan gave Batman a new look and saved the dying franchise of DC Comics. Now he is going to do the same with DC's crowning jewel. Superman is more than likely the first character you think of when you think of a comic book super hero. After the terrible disaster that was Superman Returns (2006), Nolan has stepped in to help write and produce the new film. I personaly feel, this will be Superman the way he was meant to be seen. I am not sure if I will go see this film in theaters, though I will certainly purchase it the moment it hits shelves.
June 21, 2013
I remember going to see Monsters Inc. in theaters. I loved it! I didn't like how it took so long for it too come out on DVD, and how little things changed from the theater edition to the DVD edition. But, you cannot go wrong with taaking your little ones to a Pixar film and I expect this one to be no different. I will be purchasing this one without a doubt and I'm sure I will love every minute of it.
July 26, 2013
So, Hugh Jackman decided to make two appearences on my list, but in two completly different roles. He will not be singing in The Wolverine I'm sure, but he will be kicking ass. The guy just looks like an animal when he plays Wolverine and for good reason, this film will at least be just as good as the last, if not better.
Nov. 23, 2012
With a very interesting take on every childhood legend, Rise of the Guardians looks to be quite a good film. I like the voice talent they brought in for the film. Although I won't be able to go see it in theaters, I will watch it once it comes out on dvd.

Dec. 14, 2012
It has finally happened. The prequel to the hugely popular Lord of the Rings Trilogy will reach theaters this winter. Although I am not entirely happy that the movie will be broken up into three parts, I do think it will allow director Peter Jackson to bring more of the novel alive. There were very key points of the trilogy I felt should have been part of the movies but just didn't make it. I have high expectations for this new trilogy.
Dec. 25, 2012
This is most likely the one movie I am looking forward to most. Hugh Jackman is one of my favorite actors and is without a doubt one of the most versatile actors in Hollywood. The way this film was made has been revolutionary. You must watch the trailer and behind the scenes on IMDB. I have high expectations for this film as well.
March 8, 2013
The case can be made, that the Wizard of Oz is the greatest movie of all time. Though I do not agree with that stand point, I do agree the Wizard of Oz is a classic that must be on every one's must see before you die. So, I'm very glad Disney didn't try to simply remake the timeless classic. This film, directed by Spiderman Trilogy director Sam Raimi, takes you to the land of Oz, but you see it through the eyes of the Wizard, not Dorthy. This makes the film worth watching to me, because it answers a very old question, where did the Wizard come from?
March 29, 2013
After GI Joe was pulled from this past summer's line up of blockbuster to have 3D added, I was very disappointed. 3D, though I understand is the future of movies, isn't good enough to justify pulling a movie so close to its release simply to add profits. Any film that was filmed and then had 3D added later has been very poor quality as far as the 3D itself is concerned. I do like how they are trying to fix the problems from the first film, though I think they are focusing to much on The Rock's character and not the main character played by Channing Tatum. But, I am still looking forward to this one, though I doubt I will go see it in theaters now that it is in 3D.
May 3, 2013
This will be, in my opinion, the most anticippated and watched film of 2013. This film will begin the wave of setup films for the next Avengers movie. Though I like Marvel's strategy with The Avengers franchise, I do not agree with how long the series will take and therefore I think the next Avengers film should be the last. But, all that aside, I look forward to seeing how new director Shane Black adds to the Iron Man legend that Robert Downey Jr has so amazingly brought to life.
May 17, 2013
I will admit right now, I am a Treky. I love the Star Trek franchise, though much of their newer work has been very disappointing. When JJ Abrams rebooted the series in 2009, I thought it wouldn't stay true to the original series at all, but I did think it would be a good movie. So I went to see the film in theaters. I was astonished! Abrams not only brought Star Trek back to life, he stayed true to the essence of Roddenberry's classic. The casting choices were perfect, the effects were perfect, the realisim was perfect. The film was perfect. I cannot wait to see this film and how Abrams contiunes to grow on perfection. (Side note: JJ Abrams also made the greatest tv show of all time in LOST!)
May 24, 2013
So, this is another franchise that just knows how to stick around. With the addition of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to the franchise, the franchise has at least one good film left in them. Though, I think after this film, the franchise should call it quits while the are still ahead. Plus, being scheduled to open right along side another major franchise (The Hangover III) will hurt its box office draw.

June 14, 2013
After the huge success of The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, Christper Nolan has turned his attention to reinventing the original super hero. Batman and Superman were the first super heros. Nolan gave Batman a new look and saved the dying franchise of DC Comics. Now he is going to do the same with DC's crowning jewel. Superman is more than likely the first character you think of when you think of a comic book super hero. After the terrible disaster that was Superman Returns (2006), Nolan has stepped in to help write and produce the new film. I personaly feel, this will be Superman the way he was meant to be seen. I am not sure if I will go see this film in theaters, though I will certainly purchase it the moment it hits shelves.
June 21, 2013
I remember going to see Monsters Inc. in theaters. I loved it! I didn't like how it took so long for it too come out on DVD, and how little things changed from the theater edition to the DVD edition. But, you cannot go wrong with taaking your little ones to a Pixar film and I expect this one to be no different. I will be purchasing this one without a doubt and I'm sure I will love every minute of it.
July 5, 2013
Johnny Depp is teaming up with Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End) to bring to life one of America's timeless classics, The Lone Ranger. Though you may not remmeber The Lone Ranger, since it was one of the first hit tv shows when television was just taking off, you must know the famous phrase "High, ho Silver, away!" Well, despite what you may think, Depp, doesn't plae the Lone Ranger character, he plays the side kick known as Tonto. Depp is one of my favorite actors and will make this movie an enjoyable family adventure.
July 5, 2013
Opening along side The Lone Ranger is Despicable Me 2. Another great family film, I would highly recommend this for any parents looking for something fun and relativly inexpensive to do with their children next summer.

July 26, 2013
So, Hugh Jackman decided to make two appearences on my list, but in two completly different roles. He will not be singing in The Wolverine I'm sure, but he will be kicking ass. The guy just looks like an animal when he plays Wolverine and for good reason, this film will at least be just as good as the last, if not better.
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